Children experiencing homelessness need a stable, supportive environment. Schools offer consistent educational
experiences, teachers, and friends during this transitional time. Maintaining these school ties supports academic achievement, physical health, emotional resiliency, and learning of vital skills to escape poverty.
Who is homeless?
(McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act)
The term “homeless children and youth”—
What is a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence?
Fixed means that the residence is stationary or permanent. A regular residence is one which is used on a regular nightly basis. Adequate refers to a residence that is sufficient for meeting both the physical and psychological needs typically met in a home environment.
What is an unaccompanied youth?
Children who are not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian or could be running away from home even if their parents desire for the youth to return home.
What age does the McKinney-Vento Act cover?
This act applies to children and youth age 21 and under, but generally provides access to all students until high school graduation or equivalent, or until age 18.
How "immediate" is immediate enrollment?
The McKinney-Vento Act requires schools to enroll students experiencing homelessness immediately, even if the student is unable to provide documents that are typically required for enrollment.
Can a school require a caregiver to get legal guardianship to enroll a student in school?
No. The McKinney-Vento Act requires states to address enrollment barriers related to lack of guardianship in school enrollment and requires school districts to enroll youth even if they lack a legal guardian or necessary documents.
Does a student who has been classified as homeless pay for their meals at school?
Homeless students are eligible for free meals at school. A free lunch application should be completed during the registration process. The homeless liaison will contact food services to assure that the meals are marked as free.
What kind of services does Allen Parish provide with Title I, Part A funds?
The services should support the students to succeed in school and to meet academic achievement standards. Allen Parish Title IA funds provide:
Click here to view the Allen Parish Homeless Children and Youth Plan.
Contact the Allen Parish Homeless Liasion, Jaimie Fontenot, at 337-639-4620 for further information.